Another Year Of Daz Digs
My first web page was on line not long after I moved in to my real home in 1997, this was mainly because it was then that I got cheap connection to the Internet. I have tried to constantly update the site, giving new incite as to what my family is doing and what I'm finding on the Internet. The site is mainly a way to encourage me to keep up with constantly changing web standards and technologies. Trying to make the page easy to read and easy to maintain. The next year is likely to be a nostalgic one. I have recently found a web site, which lists a lot of people I went to school with, there is the possibility that there will be two school reunions. I have taken photographs of some of the toys, which my parents still have in their attic and intend to write some of my memories of these too. Covering the F1 Grand Prix this year has not been easy. Though a couple of hours every two weeks doesn't seem like much of a commitment, with a family, holidays and D.I.Y to fit in it is unlikely that this is something I'll be repeating next season. Thank you to all of you that have signed the guest book or mailed me to say what you think of my site. If you find anything wrong on here, broken links, incorrect information or even a bad spelling, please let me know. It's not worth maintaining a web page if nobody looks at it. Darren August 20th 2001 |