Links Page
When you follow any of the links on this page you are leaving the safety and comfort of Daz Digs. I try not to send you anywhere that would be offensive but as with all web browsing, please treat these links with care. Please mail me if you find any broken links or know of any sites which I should add links to. Links are displayed in order of when they were added to this page, latest links are at the top. | |
World Live Streaming Cams BannerExchange | |
A link to a friends site lots of fun stuff | |
Help save lives with a few clicks of your mouse. | |
Sheep world, everything you ever wanted to know about sheep but were affraid to ask. | |
This is Barbara's own web site. Similar to my site Barbara uses her page to practice designing and building web pages. Barbara's site does not get updated as often as my one since she designs and builds web pages for a living so would rather spend her free time doing something else. Talks are in progress to merge Daz Digs with Babs2000 rather than running two separate sites. | |
I've been working with Lance for a while now. He's a contractor and is interested in learning more about the Internet. His first choice of use for the Internet is to play computer games but he is now learning more about HTML and the power of Lotus Notes. Lance is in the transitional phase with his site, still looking for a subject that he wants to write on. After four years, my site is still at that stage too. | |
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..... An excellent resource for Star Wars information. The site covers the original three episodes, the new episodes and the Star Wars universe as covered in books, comics and games. |