PIC OF THE DAY 17th December 2000
(Click the picture to see full size)
This picture was originally intended to be on the front of some personalised Christmas cards but the printer didn't want to play. Does anyone want to by fourty blank cards?
Cara and Barbara put the Christmas tree up on December 1st and the pictures that make up this image were taken the next morning. Neither Seth or Cara knew what I was doing with the pictures and both loved the results. Barbara made the angel dress and glow since in the original picture of Cara she was simply wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
By December 17th we have almost all the Christmas shopping done, I have still to get Barbara's presents and to take Cara shopping to get presents for the people she wants to buy for, this may mean a trip to Blue Water one evening.
Just incase I don't update this page in the next week (and going by my recent track record this is highly possible) have a good Christmas and I hope to talk/mail/ICQ/see you all in the new year...