2K1Happy new year one and all. The Christmas decorations come down for another year. Since it's been cold and very wet for the past few weeks I don't have any new pictures to show. However there are almost 30 years of pictures to catch up on.Since this sight kicked in to second gear with almost weekly updates several people have pointed out how I don't write much about my wife or show many pictures of her. Well now I'm going to put this right. Barbara and I met on the Internet in a chat room just before Christmas of 1997. We would meet up at the same place every day and talk. Eventually I started calling her and ran up very high phone bills. After talking and mailing Barbara for six months I went out to the USA to meet with her. We got on like a house on fire. We took walks by the Mississippi, went to a fireworks display on the forth of July, went for picnics and generally had a great holiday. It was good to go out to America and not visit Disney or some tourist trap resort. I did not want to leave Barbara at the end of the two weeks. The phone bill went even higher for the next six months. I was loosing sleep staying up to early hours of the morning to talk to Barbara. In the Autumn of 1998 we arranged for Barbara to come visit London. So rather than sitting at our computers on opposite sides of the world Barbara and I sat side by side at my keyboard browsing and chatting with our regular friends. (As captured on this web cam picture) Since Barbara enjoyed herself here in London, she got on well with my family and friends and I could not bare to be without her any more, on the bow of HMS Belfast, moored just by Tower Bridge, I proposed to her. She said yes :O). Barbara and I were married in the USA in the summer of 1999. OK so that was a short recount of 1997-1999. I'll fill in some more details in future pages. |